it had been a long time since we had a boy cat in our house. our family has missed having boys around the house. boy kitties act differently than girls. all of my boys crossed to the bridge during the course of 2 years or so. the first was cheebie, our alpha male, he died of liver disease after living a long life. then mako, our big 17 lb loverboy, died of squamous cell carcinoma. he was still in his prime. never stood a chance against such an evil. then rex, our sweet gentle woofie passed away from old age. his body was tired from years of having seizures that took his sight and hearing from him. my husband had said we have too many pets and that we needed to have only two pets in our house. he said this when we had 4 cats and 1 dog. after losing all of our boys, we had only our two girl kittys yuki and kimiko. but after so long with no boys, i told him i was ready for another special boy cat. Christmas was coming and i told him that is what i wanted as my present from him. how could he say no, right?!?! ginger kitties always seem so laid back. i just knew that one would be a good personality match for our family - especially my husband. hubby couldn't understand why i didn't get one from the local shelter. so i took him (after i had already been there once) and showed him what was there. nothing "clicked".
i found JJ on the petfinder website (
http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=9171686). he is an american bobtail (probably mixed with something - not sure what). with the cutest little nub of a tail. he was in a shelter near atlanta, georgia which is 4 hours from our home. so i showed JJ to him and he just sighed and said okay and asked when and how are you going to get him. he couldn't say anything about the distance since he had traveled to mid-tennessee to buy a car. i applied to adopt JJ and was approved! my mom rode with me to pick him up. i wanted to keep the tradition of japanese names so JJ became kintaro on the way home from georgia.
kintaro is sooooooooo nosy! he has to know everything everyone is doing. his little nub of a tail is expressive beyond belief. when he plays it moves faster than a puppys tail. his favorite toy is anything with FEVVERS!!!!!! my two girls still don't get along with him as he is a pesky little brother. i guess 11 + years difference is good reason not to want to change their habits of QUIET naps and not having to share anything. hubby says he is "special" just like all of our other kitties. he says i have a way of bringing home cats with either physical or mental problems. he thinks kintaro is a bit krazy. lol kintaro has brought so much joy and laughter to our home with all of his krazy antics. -Shirley a.k.a. momsbusy