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- AFD - away from desk
- ahem - excuse me!
- atro-so-kitty - similar to atrocity (ie. It started with the unfortunate Jr Man, who is probably headless (and eyeless) due to excessive squeezing. There is photographic proof of this atro-so-kitty on this very blog.)
- Bean - what some kitties call their human
- BRB - be right back
- BTW - by the way
- CO - Cute Overload
- DLS - dirty little secret.
- DOF UK - director of fuzz-a-duzza U.K. a.k.a. Rosie (for FFCA)
- DPB - dread pirate blogger. Used when Blogger is behaving badly!
- FB - facial bosom a.k.a. whisker pouches
- FFCA - Fuzz Family Cat Assistance (The Fuzz Packs non-profit organization. See links (disabled) for more info.)
- FFT - fuzz family tree
- FPM - fuzz pack member
- Fuzz - An affectionate term for a kitty. Copyright protected by Rosie(who else?)
- Ghost Poo - packing peanuts
- GS - Gheeri's Servant a.k.a. Rita from PDJ
- HCH - Houston Cat Hospital
- HM - her majesty
- Hoo-ha-ectomy - neuter operation for boy/male kitty
- HRH - her royal highness
- Hyak - spitting out a furrball, or showing disgust or disdain for a person/place/thing.
- IBS - inner bad-ass (thought of by Parker from 2007 cattitude calendar)
- IMHO - in my humble opinion
- ITS - Irritable Tail Syndrome. It's when a kitty get's hissy, say like Missy, and puffs their tail out. (see Bonnie. Bonnie gets "booshy" tail so easily! I have a pair of slippers that make a noise when I walk, that's like instant booshy tail. -Jen, mombean to Bonnie & Victor)
- KC - ML's new kitten as of 7/22/06. Named after her angel rescuer Karen Chavez (Visit )
- KCotD - Kat's Cat of the Day
- Lady Garden removal or Lady Garden-ectomy - spay operation for a girl/female kitty
- LOL - laugh out loud
- LOLSTC - laughing out loud scaring the cat
- LOL-STC - laughing out loud - scared the cat
- Louche (lōōsh) adj. Of questionable taste or morality; decadent.
- LT - lip tit a.k.a. huge whisker pouches (FYI: Only Rosie can determine LT's from FB's!!)
- MBE - Missy Blue Eyes
- ML - Mary Lynn
- MOL - Meow Out Loud (thanks Eva!)
- MPD - multiple posting disorder (Jan & Rose are seriously affected by this disorder)
- NOMS - Not Of My Species
- OCCD - obsessive compulsive commenting disorder
- PDJ - Pet Du Jour (GS's site)
- PP&PB - Pet Prayer and Praise Blog
- PPorR - prayer, praise or remembrances
- Ptooey - spitting out an old piece of dried food, or a pill that has been stupidly hidden in soft food or showing disgust or disdain for a person/place/thing.
- PTU - Prisoner Transport Unit a.k.a. the dreaded Carrier (from Rascal's World)
- Queen Mum - Rose, The Royals momma
- ROFLMBO - rolling on the floor, laughing my butt off (polite version)
- ROFLMAO - rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off
- Royals, The - What Rose referrs to her cat family as...The Royals.
- RtR - Rosie the Rose (Kathleen's fuzz baby)
- Schnoort - noise one makes when being woken suddenly, or showing disgust or disdain for a person/place/thing.
- SOMC - Stuff on My Cat
- Stinky Goodness - soft canned cat food
- TDK - The Daily Kitten
- TGIF - Thank God I'm Feline (from Bonnie & Victor)
- The Triple Threat - Grr, Midnight & Cocoa (KarenS belongs to them)
- TTFN - ta ta for now
- TTT - Tease, Torture, Torment or Triple T's *See DLS
- Woofie - Affectionate term for a dog
That is awesome Kat. Thanks
Rose came up with a good one:
GHOST POOP- styrofoam worm packing material
We have one that we have borrowed from the kits at catster MOL Meow Out Loud
Thank you for displaying the Peace Globe in your sidebar. It is a lovely sight to behold. I have placed a permanent link to your peace post on my sight. I can't wait until the next one!
I am honored to be on you list.
There is another one I like also
courtesy of catster
WTM (What the Meow?) You can fill in the human version mentally, right?
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