We are Tashi and Karma and we live in central France. Obviously, we are quite the handsomest Siamese boys around. Two years ago we moved from Hong Kong to our new home. The trip was terrible but now we're happy here, even though we have to put up with a little Burmese girl cat. We are brothers and this year we are 15 years old. Our favorite activities are sleeping in the sun, lying on the radiators (in winter) and talking to our human. We've trained her very well. We are almost always together and love to be photographed.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Tashi & Karma
We are Tashi and Karma and we live in central France. Obviously, we are quite the handsomest Siamese boys around. Two years ago we moved from Hong Kong to our new home. The trip was terrible but now we're happy here, even though we have to put up with a little Burmese girl cat. We are brothers and this year we are 15 years old. Our favorite activities are sleeping in the sun, lying on the radiators (in winter) and talking to our human. We've trained her very well. We are almost always together and love to be photographed.
Kat's Korner >^..^<

~The beautiful abandoned Angel delivered a litter of gorgeous kittens. She has since been adopted into her furrever home...yeah! But, her kittens are still waiting for their furrever homes! Click here for the latest movies of Momma & Kittens. If anyone in the Houston or Galveston area is interested in adopting her kitten(s), please contact rafe AT heckyeah DOT net.
~Also, don't forget to visit the foster's in need of furrever homes @ Cat Happy!
~And visit The Cat Blogosphere for the latest "noos" (as lil' KC puts it) in the cat blogging community!
~Have a prayer request for a pet? Stop by the Pet Prayer Praise Blog!
~Don't forget to visit the Seventh Heaven kitties! They are in the Houston, TX are and in need of furrever homes!
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Click here for Snoopur's Catster page!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Munchkin is the most loveable ball of furr anyone, in this house, will ever love. He is just 6 months old, and has been with us since he was about 2weeks old. The Daddy Bean found him behind our trash dumpster. He brought him in and Mommie Beans heart just melted. He will make certain the the Daddy Bean wakes up after his alarm goes off, and then will lay on the night stand next to Mommie Bean until her alarm clock goes off. Sometimes he will even tuck the Mommie Bean into bead at night. His favorite toy is his Whirly Bird. -Renee
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
About myself - I could spend HOURS on that subject, but the short version: I grew up as a feral but at the age of four months decided to get human staff and moved in with some people who already worked for Karl. He recommended them, he came across their homes (they are neighbors) when he was on the road and decided to employ them. I like to be admired, I admire Mae West, and I live by the motto: It's either my way or the highway!Give my regards to Emma, SincerelyAnastasia
Friday, June 22, 2007

Puff-Kitty Silhouette was a stray in our neighborhood back in October of 1997... At the time we had recently lost our 14 year old Siberian Husky and I had never had a cat own me before. Puffy started to hang around our house and was obviously homeless... She pled with us to open that door and let her in... So I looked for a good home for her. I was teaching 5th grade at the time and one of my students lived on big dairy farm and her mom was a vet tech. They agreed to take her... but on the evening I had a box ready for her trip to the farm, my husband Randy said... NOT JUST YET!!! For this reason and many more she adores Randy!!! Little did we know what a wonderful member of the family she would become and almost 10 years later she is the self-PURRoclaimed Feline Evangelist of our 8 cats... We adored her so much that we adopted 3 barn cats, then 3 Maine Coons and bred a litter of Maine Coons keeping one... if not for Puff... we would have never had a cat! We celebrate Puff’s birthday as October 31st 1996... although we are unsure of when it truly is or where she really came from... She is a mystery! -Carm C.
Puff-Kitty’s poem- http://mainecoons.org/colecoons/poems/puffy.shtml
Puffy’s Catster site- http://www.catster.com/cats/95871
Puffy animation- http://veepers.budweiser.com/slip/Kc1JdSB12Xg.yzbuJVWPGG
Kat's Korner >^..^<

~It's that time again! Kat's Cat needs new kitties to add to the list of kitties to be posted! So, send in your picture and a short paragraph so you too can be "cat of the day"!! Just click on the email kitty in the sidebar. Thanks!
~The beautiful abandoned Angel delivered a litter of gorgeous kittens; she is spayed and tests negative for FeLV & Aids. Click here for the latest movies of Momma & Kittens. If anyone in the Houston or Galveston area is interested in adopting Angel and/or kitten(s), please contact rafe AT heckyeah DOT net.
~Also, don't forget to visit the foster's in need of furrever homes @ Cat Happy!
~And visit The Cat Blogosphere for the latest "noos" (as lil' KC puts it) in the cat blogging community!
~Have a prayer request for a pet? Stop by the Pet Prayer Praise Blog!
~Don't forget to visit the Seventh Heaven kitties! They are in the Houston, TX are and in need of furrever homes!
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Kellie adopted me in December of 2001 when she was 6 months old. I had been wanting a cat for ages, but at that time I was renting and it made having pets hard. I purchased my house in December of 2001 and I had hardly put my things away when I went to the SPCA to look for a cat. I knew as soon as I saw her that Kellie was the cat for me, she nuzzled my hand, purred, gave me a couple of head butts and I think we each knew we had found our best friend. Kellie is a spunky kitty cat, she's often naughty, but one cute look and she gets away with anything. Some of her favourite things are her fluffy mice, her super bouncy balls and her laser pointer light. She is also a BIG lap cat and would spend hours laying on my lap each evening if I let her, she loves to be brushed, laying on the computer keyboard, laying in my arms on her back like a baby and she loves following my every move in the house. I would be lost without her! Today Kellie turns 6, please stop by her blog and join in the party, there's nip, tuna juice and fluffy mice for all to enjoy. Her blog address is http://kellietheorangecat.blogspot.com/ - Shelley
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Baci and Sienna
We would like to introduce Baci and Sienna. Baci isthe black and white shorthair and Sienna is the whiteand grey. Baci was rescued and adopted from a localshelter about 4 years ago and Sienna was adopted froma PetSmart about 1 year ago. This is a rare pictureof my two cats as they don't usually sit together. They are both very different. Baci will sit with usand cuddle and will even play "fetch" with us. Siennais more of an independent spirit. We love them both. -Lisa and Lucia
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Miles came to us almost in July 2005 from a friend of mine. He was about 8weeks old. Grampa Norton took Miles under his wing and became his bestfurriend until he went to the Rainbow Bridge in May 2006. Miles is aspunky, lively, mouthy, loving little meezer boy. He had great compassionfor Gramma Trixie, and when she lost her sight shortly before she ran off tothe Bridge in August 2006, Miles was her "guide cat" - he would walk herthrough the house to make sure that she did not fall. Miles enjoys stealing food off dinner plates, wrestling with his brotherSammy, and eating ham. He also enjoys blogging with his brother Sammy at Meezer Tails . -Mary
Monday, June 18, 2007
Dusty (aka Miss Dusty Cat) is a second chance kitty! She was brought into the SPCA two years ago when she was just a kitten as a stray. Someone adopted her and then brought her back to the shelter. She remained at the shelter until I adopted her a few months ago. At first, she hid under the bed or behind the tub but now she is fully at home. Dusty likes to sit in the window and watch the birds or just chill outon the couch. She has slept right next to me in bed every night since we got her. Although she usually tries to wake me up half purring half meowing at 5am! "Lie down and go back to sleep Miss Dusty." Miss Dusty Cat is very appreciative at her second chance at life and loves her new home just as much as her new owners love her! -Shannon
Friday, June 15, 2007
This beautiful cat doesn't belong to me. We visited the ruins of Richard III's great home and fortress, Middleham Castle in North Yorkshire, England, on a dark drizzly day, and this white cat kept accompanied us at a distance, appearing and disappearing in the empty windows and ruined walls, like a ghost. She escorted us out at the end of our visit, and I caught this quick photo. We met her owner, who said that she lives in Castle Cottage, right next to the ruins, and that her name is Boo. -Katy in Oregon
Kat's Korner >^..^<
"As long as he still thinks I love him......." --Skittles, The Huntress

~Calling all kitty noses! If you have a close up picture of that adorable nose of yours, send it to me and I'll add it to the Slider in the sidebar!
~The beautiful abandoned Angel delivered a litter of gorgeous kittens; she is spayed and tests negative for FeLV & Aids. Click here for the latest movies of Momma & Kittens. If anyone in the Houston or Galveston area is interested in adopting Angel and/or kitten(s), please contact rafe AT heckyeah DOT net.
~Also, don't forget to visit the foster's in need of furrever homes @ Cat Happy!
~And visit The Cat Blogosphere for the latest "noos" (as lil' KC puts it) in the cat blogging community!
~Have a prayer request for a pet? Stop by the Pet Prayer Praise Blog!
~Don't forget to visit the Seventh Heaven kitties! They are in the Houston, TX are and in need of furrever homes!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
This is our cat "Kipper"He arrived 7 years ago during a great gale sweeping across the West of Ireland. We heard an unusual squeeking outside the back door, and there was this this tiny scrap of wet and muddy fur. This we washed in the kitchen sink, and there was Kipper. He grew up to be a very handsome cat as you can see. He is very affectionate, but likes to go off on his own sometimes. He was once away for a week, and we thought we had lost him, but he came home well fed and glossy as ever. He likes climbing trees, and loves to have his photograph taken, and as soon as he sees the camera he poses. Kipper was our first cat, now he has 9 companions (all rescued). -Chris O.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
This is Calvin, he is the oldest of our 4 cats so we like to think of him as the grandpa kitty! Calvin is 15 years old and litter mate to Fudgie (COTD 5/9/07) Calvin is the sweetest cat I have ever met! He has a heart of GOLD and loves all people and other cats! Due to being a seinor kitty, he can't walk as well as he used to but he still gets around with a little shuffling and shaking! His slow walk has earned him the nickname "The Turtle" but he doesn't let his age hold him back! Anytime another cat is playing with something Calvin shuffles his way over to check it out and usually lays on whatever toy it is! Calvin loves to be brushed and groomed, and has a very loud motor which is almost constantly running! Calvin is a very handsome sweet guy and we love him very much! -Becky (Jess' sis)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Monte is a different cat all together. He is very shy and will only come out from under the bed or the table when the young beans are either gone or being very quiet. He does not like loud noises or sudden movements. He stayed under our bed for weeks before he moved to the dining room during the day only. He used to not like his paws rubbed, but now he will allow me to massage them and rub his belly. He will lay down on the desk in front of me and try his best to look cute, which isn't very hard. The Daddy Bean wanted a yellow tabby cat so Monte came to us via the local animal rescue, at the same time as Missy. His previous owners had called the animal control officer. The control officer called the rescue, as he cannot put animals down, he is such a wonderful person. All we can figure is that Monte was abused by kids and even a man.Hopefully one day Monte will learn to trust us all and become a family cat. Either way we all love him. -Renee
Monday, June 11, 2007

In may of last year a tiny kitten made its way into the engine compartment of my hubby's corvette. He heard the mews of this little kitten after he cranked up his car. He thought the worst and quickly cut off the car's engine. The mewing continued but he could not locate where it was coming from under the hood. Well, we finally figured out the little fellow wasn't hurt but very scared. And very wedged in a tight spot we were not going to be able to get him out of. It took awhile but with the help of a live animal trap, some milk, and some stinky goodness the little kitty was caught. Boy could she purr when she was all cleaned up and had a full belly. Within a month after being found my parents decided to add the little kitty to their menagerie. They would now have 4 kitties in their home. I ended up naming her. She didn't meow she said "me me" so that is what her name became - meme. She still doesn't meow, she kinda squeeks. But she has become a beautiful cat. She is long, lean and solid. She also has the longest tail. She steals anything paper out of my mom's purse and thinks if it's good enough to go into your mouth she should get a taste. That is how they found out she likes TOMATOS but dislikes shrimp. -Shirley (momsbusy)
Friday, June 08, 2007

Waterfall was found abandoned, on the streets almost ready to deliver her babies. The kind people who found her asked a local rescue center, Hope for Life, to help Waterfall. Hope for Life took Waterfall into their care on Tuesday April 10th, I (volunteer at Hope for Life) took her home to foster her on Thursday, and Waterfall had 5 beautiful kittens on Sunday April 15th. Hope for Life Center (in Virginia Beach, VA) is a wonderful, bright, cheerful facility where all of the mom's with kittens have their own private glassed in room. Unfortunately, when Waterfall came to the center, the center was full, there was not a private room for Waterfall. It was my fortune that the center was full and I could (take her home to) care for Waterfall during her delivery and the following weeks while her kittens were so little. Waterfall is the best mom and the best cat companion. She loves all people and she did great with my cats (who loved to check in on her when it was time for her to get her canned food!!!). Waterfall is the best girl. I will miss Waterfall when she returns to Hope for Life. Waterfall and her kittens (named Wings, Wobbles, Whisper, Wiglett, Winky) are available for adoption at Hope Center. -Darcy

Kat's Korner >^..^<

~The beautiful abandoned Angel delivered a litter of gorgeous kittens; she is spayed and tests negative for FeLV & Aids. Click here for the latest movies of Momma & Kittens. If anyone in the Houston or Galveston area is interested in adopting Angel and/or kitten(s), please contact rafe AT heckyeah DOT net.
~Also, don't forget to visit the foster's in need of furrever homes @ Cat Happy!
~And visit The Cat Blogosphere for the latest "noos" (as lil' KC puts it) in the cat blogging community!
~Have a prayer request for a pet? Stop by the Pet Prayer Praise Blog!
~Don't forget to visit the Seventh Heaven kitties! They are in the Houston, TX are and in need of furrever homes!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
This is our Mom's cat Meyou. She is almost 10 years old and was rescued at about 6 weeks old by our stepsister who found her outside in some very cold New England weather. Mom and Stepdad had recently lost their beloved Bunky cat at that time, and Mom was certainly not in the market for another cat, but how could she say no?! Don named her Meyou because she was for "me and you" he told Mom. But Meyou was always more of a Daddy's girl... until his passing last summer. As a kitten, she couldn't even jump up on the bed, but he would pick her up and she'd lay on his belly for hours. She'd wait in the front window for him to come home in the evenings and we swear she knew the sound of the car as it turned onto the street. Then they'd enjoy an appetizer of shrimp together before dinner every nite. She never did turn into a lap cat, and doesn't like to picked up and doesn't even like to be petted for long. But she always likes to be nearby surveying the scene. His passing has been just as difficult for Meyou as it has been for Mom. Meyou was in mourning for a long time, but we think she understands now that he is not coming home this time. Meyou still will not go on his side of the bed. Mom's retired now, and home with Meyou a lot, and she has turned into a Mommy's girl. They have a different routine now, she won't really eat the shrimp at nite so Mom finally stopped trying that. She loves to be brushed and just hang out with Mom and follow her around. She's always close by. It's wonderful they have each other and Mom always says she doesn't know what she'd do without her. ~Jess and Becky
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
My name is Sam. I was rescued, along with my cat mom Sophie, in December 2006 by a local rescue group, ANEW, and then by my new human mom, Deb and her partner Tom. Life is great here! I have two more kitty playmates (Allie and Josie - both recent "Cats of the Day"), some big cat trees, birds to watch and lots of love! My nickname is "Purr Boy" because I have such a loud purr that starts as soon as I see my humans.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007

Skittles, The Cat began life in a hard way. She was found as a three month old kitten, starving, in a warehouse adjacent to base housing at the Naval Base in Port Hueneme, California. Her first pet human had been deployed to Iraq, and Skittles was left behind. Her second pet human fed her, took her home and fell in love with her quirky spirit. Unfortunately, Skittles was still traumatized, and she could not adjust to the other three cats who shared her pet human. She terrorized them until they hid under the bed and cowered. Skittles would then eat all the food. Her aggressive behavior was very anti-social. Although broken hearted, the second pet human called her best friend. Would she take Skittles? WW, became Skittles' third and current pet human. WW fell in love, and in an effort to help Skittles, The Cat with her aggressiveness, WW taught her yoga and other relaxation techniques. Now Skittles, The Cat, lives in a house with 4 pet humans, and 5 other cats. Instead of terrorizing the other felines, Skittles passes on her knowledge to catdom everywhere. Here she can been seen teaching her techniques to Wrigley and Tex. -WW
Friday, June 01, 2007

I am Marie. I will two years old in August. I came with my littermate bro Donny to my furever home at 3 months of age from the animal shelter. I am cute and sweet and the smallest of my siblings...but I am the most ferocious. That is why I am called Marie the Defender. I just started blogging recently, please come and visit me sometime at Marie The Defender. Purrs, Marie
Kat's Korner >^..^<

~The beautiful abandoned Angel delivered a litter of gorgeous kittens; she is spayed and tests negative for FeLV & Aids. Click here for the latest movies of Momma & Kittens. If anyone in the Houston or Galveston area is interested in adopting Angel and/or kitten(s), please contact rafe AT heckyeah DOT net.
~Also, don't forget to visit the foster's in need of furrever homes @ Cat Happy!
~And visit The Cat Blogosphere for the latest "noos" (as lil' KC puts it) in the cat blogging community!
~Have a prayer request for a pet? Stop by the Pet Prayer Praise Blog!
~Don't forget to visit the Seventh Heaven kitties! They are in the Houston, TX are and in need of furrever homes!
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