This site was created with The Daily Kitten in mind. I as many others, wanted a site for adult cats too. So here it is. Please click on the link below and send pictures of your grown-up kitties. I will pick and choose a different cat to post everyday. Thanks and enjoy! Kudos to ML!!
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What greater gift than the love of a cat? -Charles Dickens
Good Morning Fuzz Family! Linda, Pumpkin is just beautiful!! You have a wonderful fuzzy family there! I love that he loves to play with paper balls. He sounds like such a character!
Donna, where has the time gone?! It's hard to believe that it's time to leave on your trip already!!! Please take lots of pictures.
Okay everyone! Good morning for real! Sorry to post so late! But, I had a pretty good time last night for my friend's b-day. We, if you didn't already read in yesterday's post, didn't get home until 3AM! So I didn't get up till about 10AM. Haven't stayed out like that for years! We rode around in a limo too, which was pretty neat! Anyway, on to today's post! Are these not the cutest pix! I love the one of BeBe and Tiger w/Pumpkin as a widdle baby! And my Pumkin what a handsome beautiful boy you are!! Wow, is all I can say! Make sure you click on the pix to see them bigger and better! Check out those baby blues! Again...wow!
Oh yeah! Donna have a great trip! You're leaving us for how long??!! We'll miss you here, but know that you'll have a wonderful trip! BTW, Linda W. - My Emma is also a paper ball "addict". Like you said, as soon as she hears the sound of paper rustling, she drops whatever she's doing and halls butt to beg you to flick the paper ball for her. And she'll bring it back to do again and again and again and...okay, you get the picture!
One more thing...man I'm getting like Rose, posting 3 times in a row! LOL! For those interested, who am I kidding! Let me start again! There is another adorable pic of Squentin T. under his April post. Just click on April under the archives and scroll down! He's investigating a giant ladybug!
WOW!!! Those are some BLUE eyes!!! They are spectacular!!! And the tail, what an awesome tail!!! The one of the three, with widdle baby Pumpkin is so cute!!!! Aloha to Pumkin and family! Mahalo for sharing!
Wow! Pumpkin is a really handsome guy. Love that fuzzy tail. Like the shot of the three of them looking out the window.
about time lol wow wow fallegur köttur og skottið wo og blau augun hans
i love his tail and his face and blue eys wow this is one beautiful cat
riquel Steppa is a snobby she is a lady and she love meeeeeeeeee Donna have funn in iceland and do eat dry fish and shark and drink Brennivin but most of all have funn
i cant get over how beautiful his cat is
Morning again everyone!
When I looked at the pictures of Pumpkin it was "aaaaahhhhh" (little guy with siblings), then "wow" for his beautiful blue eyes and that uber-fuzzy tail.
My last access will be Wednesday, then we're gone from 6/1 to 6/10. I figure it will take most of Sunday to catch up on all my regular sites! Because I will definately go back and see who I missed.
Loa, errr, dry fish and shark and drink Brennivin? Hmmmm.... LOL. Not sure I'm that adventurous!
o comon girl u can do it just a taste
OK, Loa :-) If someone offers me a taste I'll give it a try just to be able to tell you that I did it.
But what's Brennivin(?). If it's alcoholoic, I hardly drink alcohol at all. Don't care for the taste and my physiology doesn't handle it very well. I'm a light-weight! LOL. Sigh, but I suppose a taste could be handled... ;-)
Hi again Pumpkin, you beautiful cat, you.
Pumpking you are a mighty handsome boy. You sure turned out to pretty big even though real momma abandoned you. I would think it would take patience and tolerance to bottle feed a baby kitten or puppy. I have never had to do that, but I think it's great when some one does that.
Love the pic with the three so entranced with whatever is going on outside. Looks like that place is made just for the kitties to look outside.
Donna Bon Voyage and have a great time.
Loa said, I do love your comments and am glad you have joined the fuzz pack.
Cat of the Day has a lot nicer story today. Sissy Sue lives a life that all cats would love to have. A huge place made just for the strays that they adopt.
C's mom - What a great story! A a great life for Sissy Sue and her family! Too cute!
i want to be a cat and live w/Sissy Sue
thanks casper mom but u ladys have to for give my spellin form time to time lol
pumpkin is a big healthy looking boy! i bet he is great to snuggle with. does he ever swish his tail in your face. i think poofy tailed cats like to tickle noses/faces w/ their tales. mine did. he sure turned out to be a keeper.
fuzz pack - i have a kitten alert!! a very small and very cute calico kitten has shown up at my house. she (i assume) is very scared and won't come to anyone. of all things, she has chosen my husbands corvette to hide under. since the battery is dead we can not move it. which is good but we are scared she is going to get into one of our other vehicles engine compartment. i did get her to come out late last night to catch a nibble. i was watching from the window. she was out twice this morning before i left for work but went right back under the car. :( i have a hav-a-heart trap in my attic but i don't want to have to use it unless i can watch for her. we have so many nasty little ants in our front yard and i would hate for her to get all bitten up. ladies i need some brainstorming and prayers. any ideas?????
kat1 - i did get a couple of pics of her that i will email to you tonight (i hope) if you want to post them.
.ahem...does Pumpkin have 'man breasts' like Waffle?..............
thanks karen and i will momsbusy a trap is ok she will be shaken but she will get over it But i dont know baout u ahahahahh
loa - as long as she purrs and cuddles becomes a happy camper i think i can forgive myself. i just hope she's not a firecracker (hiss, spit, yowl, scratch, bite, hiss and spit some more)! those kinds of kitties are really dangerous to your hands, fingers and anything else they get ahold of.
Happy Memorial Day/Bank Holiday Fellow Fuzzers!
As it has been said - just when you've seen the cutest-cat-possible
Up Pops Yet Another!!! Pumpkin is amazing! Clicked on each pic for a closer look, and I was transfixed by his Blue Eyes! The photo is another one for the 187 month calendar Kat1 is planning to suprise us all with at Christmastime...shoot, that was suppose to be a secret...LOL!! Hi Kat! "post three times like Rose", huh?!........ LMFAO!!!! So True!
I love how you "police" your bblogsite...like yesterday, when Kathleen was having problems signing on and had to use "anon" Mumma Kat Stepped right up to the plate with "Who Goes There! Identify Yourself!!" rolf! Gave poor Kathleen a fright, but it's a sad world, because the "evil James" posted a novelette on TDK not too long ago...Kathleen, Rosie the Rose sounds as happy and content as all Fuzzlings SHOUD be, by BIRTHRIGHT! I'm looking forward to meeting her here on KCotD!
(Noooo, Cat, I remember about the IOU re Emily...Getting the film on disc as we speak - sent it into 'snapfish'? Says it's a 'service of HP"...anyone hear of that service? Said first time orders were free...except for a few odds and ends amountng to $10.00. Ohh, heck, the USPS will bring it to me, one less day of walking!
(remember I said the E.James wrote a short story...no lie, it's longer than THIS post!!
OH YES!! Donna, PLEASE take Loa's advice! "Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist"!! (that's a quote I stole from Anthony Bourdain...wish I'd thought of it!)
Okay, theres an all day marathon of "Law & Order:CI", so to top my holiday weekend, I'm gonna catch a few shows...
(not a threat, remember!) See y'all
No problem Loa, I can read and get what you mean when you post, so don't worry about the spelling. And yes, I think I would like to live with Sissy Sue also. I saw what evil james posted today on TDK. Don't know if Kittenmaster has taken it off yet or not. Haven't gone back to check yet. As you see james doesn't deserve a capitol J on his name.
Pumpkin is a real good name for you handsome cat because you are a Pumpkin.
Rose, I think you're great! I love your posts. Loa, you too!!! You have such a great personality. Everyone does! I really enjoy the conversations we have, and hearing about everyone's kitty!!1
Evil James, my goodness, did he post a doosy today! I don't understand why the KM puts up with it?!
OK, use the trap, save the kitty. That is the important thing. Just wear gloves. LOL!
well if she is wild usa samthing thick to grab her or let her stay in the trap for i littel bit befor u move her ps put on a jacket this is how i got mine of the rd when i was piking up the wild ones o hope it works
Wow, what a surprise to Pumpkin as today's Cat of the Day! Today is his 7-month anniversary of when he was adopted so thanks for the purrrsent, Kat! He realy DID turn out to be a handsome boy. He's still very young so he gets into EVERYTHING and he steals stuff. Sponges aren't safe, socks turn up in strange places, pens show up on the floor and it's so hard to get mad at him when he turns his beautiful blue eyes on you. LOL!
You can see other pictures of Pumpkin here:
He's winning most of his battles on Kittenwar: http://kittenwar.com/kittens/68395/ Who can resist this one-month-old cutie!
This is how we weigh him: http://www.kittenbreak.com/4945 He's graduated to a bigger basket since he doesn't fit in this one anymore. He's about 3 1/2 months old here.
This is one of my favorite Pumpkin pictures: http://www.kittenbreak.com/4947 He's only about 4-months old but soooo pretty! I hadn't realized how fluffy his tail was until I took this picture. It's now much thicker and fluffier as you can see from the picture that Kat posted.
Well, he won't climb in your lap but he doesn't mind being picked up. Since he was handled so much as a little kitten, he's very limp and relaxed when being held. Then he sees something he wants to check out and wants DOWN! LOL!
i am absolutely in love w/ pumpkins tail!!!!!! that pic of him at 4 1/2 months old is fantastic. is he photogenic or what!?!?! lucky you to have such a gorgeous kitty.
Hello again:) (warned you!)
Just a note *HYAK*! about e.james's post on TDK...Kittenmaster only JUST removed that long post with the two comments that were added...the 2nd was funny! the writer carried on e.j.'s theme and wrote an addition to his story that was hilarious! Also SO outclassed e.j. it was almost sad! But Kittenmaster missed the 10th post...there's a questionable post there...
My mom used to say "it takes all kinds..."
Back to Law & Order:CI and Vincent D'Onofrio-ahdunno, that was close enough!!
WAIT!!! I was wrong! The comments by e.j. is still there, and a really wierd one was added by someone posting as AMANDA some really sicko comments...guess I wasn't the only one with no plans for the holiday after all...
Rose, I just read comment #20. OMG, how awful!!! That person needs to seek help! OK, now I'm not really up on all the lingo, but can someone tell me what that person's abbreviations mean?
Linda, I just loved Pumpkins pictures!!! His tail is so luxurios!!! His tail is also very long!!! Thanks for telling us about the other pictures out there!!!
You're welcome, Kim. I'm always willing to share pictures and stories of our kitties. Sometimes when I'm at the computer, Pumpkin will jump on the desk to see what I'm doing and his tail will drape over my hand. So soft and warm! I hate moving him away but I can't see the screen or move the mouse.
I hope that Deb finds home for the Grace family. The peaches and cream kittens remind me so much of Pumpkin when he was small.
Hi Kim,
I assume LMFAO is for "laughing my fat a** off" so that's why I used it today...I have NO IDEA what JSKZ stands for...something decent eyes do not want to see, no doubt...
Some People Are Strange...
OK! I agree Karen, I like Rose's version better. I emailed my 18 year old babysitter, she is the QUEEN of text messaging. Hopefully she'll be able to tell me what JSKZ means. When I find out, I'll let y'all know too. I did a search on Yahoo and Google and neither site could come up with a meaning. Now I'm on a mission!
Karen, how do you do it? I am terrified for the day when my kids will be teenagers. My boys, I'll worry, yes. My daughter though, who is only 2 now, scares the heck out of me! How will I handle it? I feel so old at times. Not to mention that I'm 37 now, in 11 years, will I still be considered young enough for her to confide in? You seem so close to your kids! I hope I have that too.
Thanks Karen! :)
Thanks for the update, Karen. I still think that person on DK is wacko!
Check out these resources online to look up an acronym:
Pumpkin is a beauty. Look at those huge blue eyes. He reminds me so much of Momma Grace & Company. I love orange and white kitties. He sure knows how to pose for all its worth. And I love the picture of the three cats huddled together, so engrossed. You have a beautiful cat family.
So...ML, You adopting Grace or what?! lol...Just a thought. What do you think MBE would do?
Attention Fuzz Packers! Looks like Marigold & Brutus will be living with Rose soon. ML is coming over tomorrow to meet Grace & Company. I can't wait!
Oh Deb and ML, that is sooooo cool and wonderful! And two siblings will be able to stay together. What wonderful news for the end of this weekend.
more good news ladies. i captured the little kitten that has been hiding under my husbands car. she's a cutie. tell you more tomorrow. gotta get some sleep.
Kat - I wish I knew what MBE would do. Grace just looks so laid back and content -- with good reason since Deb rescued her and the kittens from certain death.
Karen - I'm with you on the patience thing, or lack of it. Not only do we have to wait to hear about the capture, we have to wait for the pictures as well. Sigh.
Donna - I've been so excited and happy I didn't even consider they will get to stay together, brother and sister. Wow. That worked out so good.
Deb - Well, I may grab those cats and run when I visit. [evil laugh]
Will try to make it tomorrow, but it may be Wednesday, forgot I have an appointment to set up a computer system Tuesday. Will give you a call, though. That is, if I ever get to sleep. Just took Bear out for her last walk [hopefully] and it's 12:30 a.m.
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