Grace is about 15 months old now and is the mommy of four -- three boys and a girl. Her name fits her very well, as she is graceful in just about everything she does, even when she and two of her boys play chase around the house in the mornings or evenings. She also loves to chase the laser dot and jump into boxes -- again, all done gracefully! She is a very loving cat, both to her humans and to her sons, purring most of the time, especially when she is getting skritches! -Marilynn @ Writeacher's Thoughts
**If you'd like to see Grace and kittens click HERE!**
*Make sure to scroll down and read Holly's newly inserted info. She sounds like a blast! What a great kitty she is!**
~It's Family Friday at Emma's!
It's the Fuzz's beautiful adopted Godchild! How sweet and beautiful Grace is, and still everybit the lady! The Royals' will be happy to see their Mommy today! Hello sweet, beautiful Grace!
Good Morning and Afternoon to all of you!
Grace is very beautiful and looks like quite the proud mommy! :) how old are her babies? she is so tiny, it's hard to believe she gave birth...it is totally bringing back memories to exactly a year ago when my tiny Princess gave birth to four babies. it goes by so fast! they are so much bigger than her now...anyway, Grace really does look graceful and i love the way you described her playing, especially with her kids...Princess used to do that but not so much anymore. now she acts annoyed around them :( i hope Grace is always nice to her kids! LOL!
ps. i don't see many orange females! that is pretty cool in itself!
Good morning fuzz family! It's a slightly muggy morning, although low temps and foggy outside here. I've been walking Jared to school and Sammie's lovin' that! She gets to walk and see the duckies that frequent our neighborhood. We have a canal that runs right thru our neighborhood, so we have lots of duckies around.
Well, most of you know beautiful Grace. And I thought a couple weeks ago...Grace was on the site and everyone knew what she looked like, but I thought she needed to be cat of the day, officially! For those of you who don't know Grace, and would like to see more of her, and see her two sons, who by the way are related to Rose's Royals, you can find Marilynn's link under my link section as Writeacher's Thoughts. Talk about a run-on sentence!!! Anyway! It's so great to be able to see them all grow up.
Grace is getting prettier by the day. She looks so happy and loved.
There's beautiful Gracie. Oh, she looks so happy and content. And she has gained a bit of weight.
I attempted to adopt her, but Missy would simply not have it. But I think it was meant to be, she was destined for a different Marylynn. And she has her twins with her. I have KC, so it all worked out.
Everytime I look at Grace, I remember that she came so close to being "put down", along with Marigold, Brutus, Audace and Ruse. Had it not been for Deb racing [literally] over to rescue her, we would not have this lovely gal and her brood.
She is so beautiful, and doesn't she look like Brutus.
Hi Grace. You look like a very sweet Mommy cat.
Gracie does look a lot like Brutus. She looks relaxed and happy. Thank goodness for Deb's rescue!
Karen C.--saw your post yesterday about changing your name to Victoria. It reminded me of what my daughter did at camp this summer. Her teen leader was also named Katie so she decided to rename herself Lilly. The whole week everyone called her Lilly. She got so used to it, that she said it felt funny to be called Katie again! My kid is a nut sometimes!
Kim--Maybe your cats are more respectful of the rats because they are bigger. A hamster is pretty small. Oreo is very hyper and will chase anything! I was brushing him the other day and when I pulled the hair out of the brush, I scrunched it up together and laid it next to me while I continued to brush him. He started swatting at the furr ball like it was a mouse or something! It might work out okay, but I think I'll pass on the hamster for now. Besides, we just took in her Dad's cat and she also wants a kitten from one of the girls at school! There are more animals than people living at our house!!! **sigh** I guess this is true for a good number of us!
grace is such a pretty little momma. she looks so good now that she has a real home and lots of love.
If you want to see some of the first photos of Momma Grace and Babies, I happen to have posted a few at Momma Grace and Kittens.
Also, Danielle emailed to check out Oreo's blog, really an outstanding tribute. Be sure and check it out.
ML - Duhhh...I totally forgot about the Momma Grace & kittens sites! That's great! I'm going to go look too! She does look so good now...and happy! And I checked out Oreo's 9/11 tribute. Wow!! I need to get busy on mine! I've got two to do!
Oh, my goodness. It's been quite a while since I've gone back to see the photos in Momma Grace and Kittens. How blue the kittens' eyes were! They are now the same color as Grace's -- gold'n'green. All are such little loves -- the boys can be real rascals, but at the same time they are darling and lovey -- learned that from their momma, I'm sure!
Ohhhh, there's our Momma Grace!! Your baby boy Brutus is the IMAGE of you! It's also amusing about Grace's playtimes with Audace and Ruse being the SAME times Marigold and Brutus play - early morning and about bedtime! She is SO beautiful, Marilynn! (her son just hopped off my lap and now her daughter is sitting side my keyboard...she's very interested in computers!) When Deb rescued Grace, her 4 babies were 4 days old,I think. I'd like to meet Grace and my babies' siblings one day!
Blogger about gave me a heartattack!! I went to my aol faves list to click on Kat's Cat and it gave me the cannot find the page error like when someone has deleted their blog!!!! I was about to cry, but then pulled myself together and went to the blogger dashboard and entered my template to find everything was still there! Then I went to View Blog there and here I am rambling on to everyone! ;/ Lol! Phewwww!
"And the wheel goes 'round"
I hope everyone got that. The wheel of life, so many similarities between comments, etc. Aw well, I know what I meant anyway. LOL
now our Lady's humming that Circle of Life song an she's really bad at humming - please make her stop
Yes, Kim, please make her stop ...we can hear her all the way down in Texas...!
Grace, your name fits you to a T. So beautiful and graceous. So glad that Marilynn gave you and two of your siblings your forever home and Rose gave your other two siblings their forever home. So nice to be able to see all of you and keep up with you.
What a cute round cat face she has ! I love "red" tabby cats. We had one a few years ago who moved in just like that, but I had to give him to my friend as he was a "only child cat" and fought all the time with our cats. Now he is happy. By the way I have difficulties on your blog with your paw mouse as my mouse is a cat head ! (If a mouse would read that)
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