Friday, November 03, 2006


Hi! I'm Kimo, a Seal Point Siamese. I was adopted along with Sabi. I'm a pretty laid-back dude. I enjoy birdwatching, sunbathing, desk lounging, collecting coins, watching reality TV, curling up by the fireplace, and long naps. Sabi and I have it pretty easy in California. Along with my many hobbies listed, Sabi and I are frequent bloggers and we also have our own separate web pages at Catster (my member #397990, Sabi's member #397996). Come by and visit us soon!

~Emma's blog: Emma Loves Her Bubbles!~


Emma's Kat said...

Good Friday morning! Isn't Kimo just the handsomest! He started out with a big mouth as a kitten and to this day, still has a big mouth! Lol! Just kidding Kimo! My fave pic is the one of you sitting in front of your laptop!

Katnippia said...

Kimo, you are a very handsome kitty. I guess you have a lot to say, huh.

Kimo, I'mz a pretty seal point applehead kitty as well. I tellz my meowmize lotz of stuff all the timez too.

Ingrid said...

hooo I am scared, what a big mouth ! I bed he were yawning !

Anonymous said...

Hi beautiful Kimo. You look like such a sweetheart.

caspersmom said...

Hi Kimo. Looks like you are yawning or protesting loudly. Ah, you like to play with the toilet roll too!! Mom gets mad when Cleo gets it with the paper on it. I used to do it too but I'll let Mom yell at Cleo now. I like all your pictures.


Anonymous said...

hi Kimo! you are gorgeous!!! you're either quite chatty or quite tired! LOL!!! maybe a little bit of both?! you sound like you lead quite the life of luxury as all kitties should :)

Anita said...


You have a big eyeteeth!!!

Anonymous said...

You're quite a gorgeous kitty! We think you have very fun hobbies, but we're wondering what you do with the coins you collect? Are you saving up for something? Your baby picture is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kimo! Those are great photos of you! You collect coins?

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Hi Kimo,
You are a gorgeous kittie.
You look so wise in front of the computer screen.