Shortly after my twelve year old kitty Reba crossed the Rainbow Bridge in July 2005, I was at the gym and the girl working behind the desk was holding a very cute, super tiny kitten. She said she was one of four kittens found in the street. She was keeping that kitten and had taken the others to her vet, but only one had not been adopted yet. We went to the vet and they had the one kitten in his own cage. He had been the oldest of the four kitties (he was 8 weeks old, the others were 5 or 6 weeks). They had not been littermates, nobody knows how they ended up together, but apparently this oldest one had been taking care of the others and he was very protective. So here was this little guy, 8 weeks old, with giant paws, big ears, and a super long tail, sitting in the cage, just checking me out. He didn't move at all when I approached him. I opened the cage and took him out, and he immediately started purring and nuzzling against me. He was not scared at all! I knew he had to come with me. He weighed 1.5 pounds that day, and he gained an average of a pound a week for a while. He now weighs 15 pounds. He is so sweet, I know that he was meant to be part of our family. Merlin loves to play fetch! If I throw his fishie or his mousie, he will chase it down, attack it, play with it for a moment, and then come prancing back to me with the toy in his mouth. He then drops the toy at my feet (or in my shoe if one is sitting there without a foot in it) and waits for me to throw it again. He loves that game. He also loves to plop down on his side and be rubbed. He follows me around and is a very good friend. -Sadie
Whitney, that is such a sweet story! OK, I will say it again, I never tire of pointing this out; We are chosen by our pets. They know the perfrect home for them. It's an instinct.
You were chosen that day, it was meant to be. As Earl would say, "Karma!" Merlin sounds like such a fun kitty. His sleeping picture is so precious!
Morning All!
Good morning! Merlin, you are such a handsome tabby boy! And what a lucky boy you are to have found your mommy like you did! She is really the lucky one! You sound like a such a sweet boy!
awwww what a touching story. i'm getting teary here this a.m. Merlin is just gorgeous and sounds like such a sweet guy. imagine him taking on those little kittens like that! what a good big brother! does he have any housemates now?
i love how he fetches too! that is so cute. some of my cats used to do that but not so much anymore.
Merlin sounds like a perfect cat! and i want to rub his soft caramel belly! :)
What a wonderful story of bonding. Merlin knew he was safe with you. Bless you for seeking him out and giving him a loving home-as Linda T. said-Merlin sounds like a perfect friend.
Yay Merlin! Congrats on being Cat Of The Day!
Your story is very touching, and you are such a fine and handsome cat!
Love Merlin's story and how he found his Mommie.
Also, check his blog, like the way he has displayed Kat's badge (is that the right term?).
You are a very beautiful and lucky kitty cat.
Merlin - I've been visiting your blog for a while and it is nice to hear how you found your forever home.
Merlin - That's actually a cool idea...putting the KCotD seal on your blog! Anyone who has been posted is more than welcome to use the seal. Like I said over at Merlin's, I wish I could make it a bit smaller. Oh well.
Ok, I went back to the seal site and there are size choices! Yea! AND, there were new kitty pix to choose from! So, I changed the seal around a bit and I think it looks more bettah! So, now, if I can get Blogger to cooperate with me, ::sigh:: I will change it and everyone can tell me what they think!
I'd be delighted to display your seal to brag that I was a Kat's Cat of the Day too.
Nice to see you over here, Merlin! I liked reading about how you found your family ...
I love hearing rescue stories like that!! Merlin is such a keeper! Is it me, or are his nails painted purple on the second pic??
Ohhhhhh he has purple soft paws! I finks that's what they's called. Grandma keeps threatenin to put them on me. I don't fink so! hehehe The purple ones are cute tho. And Merlin's so lucky he got rescued :)
Ok, the new seal is finally on the sidebar! How does everyone like it? Better?
Thank you efurryone for the nice comments!
Yes, I wear softpaws. They aren't too awful, and my Momma says that when I wear them I don't hurt her with my claws. I also can't mess up the furniture or the floors, but I don't care about that.
The new seal looks very nice. Merlin had a good idea, didn't he.
Check out The Tower Hill Mob, Mom Kate was hospitalized yesterday with congestive heart failure. She should be released today.
Does anyone have an email for them?
hey! there's our furrend Merlin! that's one great story, an it was so nice of you to take care of the littler kittens. is there any chance of your momma getting you a baby kitten furrend any time, since you're so sweet?
The new seal is great. Mom just finished putting it up on my blog. I am furry proud of it.
All these kitties are so cute. Good for everyone for making Kat's cat!
He seems to be a very friendly cat ! and had a lot of luck in his life that you took him home. All of my cats are coming from an animal shelter because I think there are so many unlucky cats there. By the way, I just published a text about black cats it's in my cat blog so if you are interested ...
merlin is such a handsome boy. just gotta love tabbys. great adoption story. merlin did a good job finding his furever home.
kat, really like the "new and improved" seal.
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
wpEkEW You have a talant! Write more!
Tz3ku9 actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
NOYwQA The best blog you have!
Pjod3k Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
Good job!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Nice Article.
Hello all!
EYuuxW write more, thanks.
Thanks to author.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Thanks to author.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Nice Article.
Please write anything else!
Hello all!
Nice Article.
Good job!
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
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Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?
All generalizations are false, including this one.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
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