My name is Eric and I am 6 years old and have a brother called Flynn. I have been on a diet for 6 months because I weighed 20lbs, but it hasn't worked as I am now 21 lbs. My hobbies are eating sleeping and eating the mice Flynn brings back. Oh and I love grasshoppers!
~Wordless Wednesday @ Emma's blog!
You are quite the big boy! Just tell everyone that you're not fat, you're fluffy! I love the picture of you and Flynn as kittens! Your grown up picture looks very dignified and I think you're quite handsome. You would fit in well at my house. I have a "fluffy" kitty too and he likes grasshoppers as well.
Good Morning Everyone!
awww Eric you are sooooo handsome! i love me a big orange boy! don't worry about the dieting unless it affects your health. you look very good to me! and i bet you are very laidback and sweet like my orange guys.
the baby pic of you and Flynn is so sweet. you look so peaceful and crashed out! LOL!
Good morning all! Eric & Flynn's mom, I hope you don't mind that I searched your blog and used these pics instead of the one you sent. I just love posting a kitten and then grown up pic! And I had the hardest time at first figuring who was who!! Anyhoo, Eric, you are one handsome boy! I love your orange smudge marking on your cute little face! And, or course, the kitten picture is adorable!
Don't miss Eric's tummie shot on the Slide box! That picture was from his younger days. I love it! The white belly and orange legs and tail! So sweet!
Good morning to you all. No I don't mind you using the other photos, I am glad you found some that you like. Feel free any time to you use any of them if you wish to. It was a nice surprise to see Eric looking back at me this morning.The easiest way (apart from size difference) to tell the boys apart is that Flynn has a large ginger patch on both shoulders, whereas Eric's shoulders are all white.
Eric and Flynn's mum, Jackie
Good Morning Fuzz Family !
Eric you are a very handsome kitty. The picture of you and Flynn as kittens is just to cute.
I hope everyone is having a good day.
Hi Eric,
I think your a very cute kitty.Keep working on the diet it's important for your health.
Ha, ha Eric. You diet sounds like mrs. B's diet. BTW I love your blog.
Morning everyone. What an interesting name for a cat: Eric :-) I wonder if there is a story behind it.
Re: Grasshoppers. Maddie loves to play with them. But if she tries to eat one, she barfs it back up later.
Re: Diets. I put our "girls" on a diet. I started weighing their food (on an electronic kitchen scale) and watching their portions. They have come down nicely. Maddie now looks like she's getting a waist and last weighed in at a relatively petite 8.8 pounds. Wiley peaked at 12 pounds but is now ~10.8. With her silky fur it's hard to see if she has a waist yet but she's much better. Kona has held steady for months at ~11.5 pounds.
Re: Job. Nothing yet. Sigh. I'm trying really hard not to get too depressed.
Brokeback Mountain Fuzz!!!
Here are those two cuties Eric and Flynn. Ooops, sorry, handsome kitties. That seems par for the course on going on a diet. Seems like you gain more instead of loosing. Don't give up though, you might start loosing. Sure do like visiting your blog site.
Don't forget the Prayer Circle begins in just a few minutes at the House of mostly Black Cats blog. It will be hosted by the Hot(M)B cats & staff, Kat, KC & Missy...please join us as we "purrrr-ray" Rajjah home and also for all those on our PP&P blog prayer list.
Hope to see you there...!
You gained a pound on your diet??? Good job!
Eric, you make me feel so much better! Mom's been trying to put me on a diet because she thinks I'm getting too heavy, but if I lived with you I'd look like a little boy! You carry your weight *very well, though. Both you and Flynn are quite handsome fellows.
it's eric of eric and flynn fame. two very handsome gingers!!! funny, you don't look like you need to be on a diet. you must be big boned.
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