~Emma's blog: Friskie Friday~
This site was created with The Daily Kitten in mind. I as many others, wanted a site for adult cats too. So here it is. Please click on the link below and send pictures of your grown-up kitties. I will pick and choose a different cat to post everyday. Thanks and enjoy! Kudos to ML!!
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What greater gift than the love of a cat? -Charles Dickens
Good Morning Hank! I love this picture of you! Your Mom captured the true essance of a cat, a good ole stretch! And of course I'm a fan of the Gingers!
Hey everybody, Hank's Grandmommy is the wonderful lady that adopted my sister's senior kitty, Andrew!
Good Morning everyone!!! Hooray, it's Friday!
Good morning! Wow, Kim, I didn't realize that! How cool! Hand you are just the cutest ginger boy in this picture! And I love the saying at the bottom..."remember to stretch often".
Shirley - How's Yuki today?
Hank sure is a handsome dude! love that crossed paw pose and big smile on his face :)
...ahem......if I was a cat....this is the expression I would have on my face........duzza..
hank is handsome. love the crossed paws with outstretched legs. truly a happy, comfortable kitty.
kimiko posted this morning (although it has yesterdays date). she has a freaky friday picture. yuki still is not eating but is letting me know of her displeasure with having to take meds. lol we still have catitude! YEAH! i think thats a good sign.
Good Morning Fuzz Family!
Hank you are a very handsome boy. I too, just love the expressin on your handsome face.
Oh what a furry handsome cat! It is nice to meet you.
What a handsum pikshur of you Hank :) It shows the essenze of catness! Way to go!
Hank is a very handsome boy. I just love his pose here - he's just so cool!
In case you didn't know yet, Hank's having a superbowl party at his blog on the big day.
Karen C.
Oh what a cool picture of Hank. So cute. I just want to hug him.
Hank is a beautiful orange boy. What an expression, it truly captures 'catness'. Great picture.
Wow! i'm furry inpressed wif myself! Lookit me! I was da cat of da day!! yay!! t'anks effurry one for the congrats! *blush*
mommy hasn't been feelin' too gud lately so's I's been busy playing nurse kitty. she hasta have her glallbladder out next thursday. she'll do jest fine doh! *purrrrr*
Really like this picture of you Hank. Looks like you got plenty of cattitude. Prayers for your Mom and her upcoming surgery and hope she will be feeling real good real soon.
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