Princess is another of my parents kitties. She is a sister to
Tiger and Abigail, who is my sister's kitty. The mama cat showed up on their doorstep and decided to have her kittens in my parent's backyard. (They found a home for mama cat and her other kitten too.) That was 10 years ago and Princess and Tiger have been indoor spoiled pampered house cats all of their lives. My parents dote on them as much as they do the grandkids! Princess went to the Rainbow Bridge Jan. 13, 2006. Princess had surgery to remove a blockage before Christmas. It has been a downhill battle ever since. They tried several medications to stimulate her appetite and tried all kinds of foods. She was visiting the vet every other day for IV fluids and the vet and my parents were force feeding her with a syringe. She just refused to eat, threw up often, and continued to lose weight. The vet said that sometimes cats just give up and wait to die. My parents kept hoping she'd pull through, but yesterday morning she was much worse. Mom said she was weak and unsteady on her feet and she didn't even have the energy to put up a fight when she tried to feed her. So they decided to end it rather than watch her suffer and starve to death. It was a tough decision for my parents. It was very sad for us all. Princess was a beautiful kitty. -Karen S.
~Emma's blog: Tuxie Tuesday!~Check out Benji's "Six Word Cat Contest" entry!~
Princess was beautiful. She'll be waiting for your parents at the Rainbow Bridge for sure.
Your bud Pepi
OH Karen, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that this must have been hard for you, to write about Princess and her new journey, it's all so new. I agree though, why make her suffer. The Vet was correct, and others may disagree, but cats do know when it's their time and they do give up and wait to die. I know this all to well from past experience. It's hard but it would have been harded to watch her starve herself. Many blessing you you and your parents.
I'm sorry, that was me, I forgot to sign in first and didn't want to lose the comment that I just wrote.
Good morning! She was a purrdy girl! KarenS, was she a grey & white tabby? She looks like she has some brown on her chest and tummy. Love that tongue and peach nose outlined in black. I know she will be missed. Thanks for still allowing me to share her w/the fuzz family.
Kim - Will you get yourself straight and sign in correctly! ;)
awwwwwww RIP sweet little Princess. i'm so sorry for your loss. she's a beautiful lovely girl. sending lots of prayers your way.
Princess, was a beautiful girl.I just think that is the cutest expression on her face.I'm sorry the loss of such a special and wonderful kitty.Thanks for sharing her with us Karen S.
Good Morning Fuzz Family!
what a pretty girl. such a special kitty, she will be greatly missed.
Kat,where are the audibles when we need them!
Good Morning All from sunny, windy and COLD Tucson. Princess was a lovely girl. I'm so sorry for your parents'loss.
Sorry I haven't been posting much, but I've been having way too much fun with Mom and my sister, Kitty. I'll be better when I get home. I also may have some cats for you, Kat.
Oh, Princess was such a beautiful kitty. She looks so sweet there, washing her little paw. We are so sorry for your loss.
Barbie-Lou & Taylor & Clay
Jan - Glad you're having a great time, but hey! You sent all that coldness my way here in VA!! Thanks alot! J/K! Today it went from about 65 degrees F at around 7am to what it is right now, which is about 45 degress F!! Yikes! I'm ready for cold weather though! And, cool, I'm needing some new kitties to put on my list.
Princess was beautiful!
(=' :')
¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨)
(¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥ Luna =^.^= ♥
I'm so sorry for your loss. She was such a beauty.
Karen C.
Princess was a beautiful girl, inside and out. I'm glad she isn't suffering anymore, know it was a very hard decision to make.
We are in the middle of an ice storm here in Houston TX. This is different from the ice storms I remember growing up in Dallas. Those actually had ice!
It's colder than anything, the temp out here on the western edge of Houston (40 miles from downtown, 30 miles from Galveston) is 30 F with a 25 mph North wind. But no ice.
Princess was such a beautiful girl and she looked like she was a very contented kitty. Karen, your parents did the right thing to help Princess to the Bridge since she herself decided it was her time to go.
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