This is my other porch cat, Wraith. (My porch cat
Smudge was Cat of the Day recently.) Wraith, along with five other young cats, appeared suddenly in my neighborhood last summer. They all seemed to know each other and all were about the same age. We think someone dumped them. One was killed on the road and four have been take in by people in the neighborhood, leaving Smudge and Wraith still homeless. Smudge seems to have recently found a home, too. I rarely see him any more but twice in the past week he has come over when he saw me at the mail box and followed me home. He's apparently just being sociable, though, since he sniffs the dry food I offer, then haughtily declines it, and he's fat and sleek. Wraith, however, remains skittish and unapproachable. I call him Wraith both for his light smoky grey coat that makes him almost invisible against the color of the pavement and stone walls and concrete sidewalks and early morning fog, and for his will-of-the-wisp way of hanging back and ducking out of sight if you look directly at him. I've tried to tame him so I can take him in to the veterinary clinic where I work and get him neutered and vaccinated and have any problems such as fleas, worms, or eat mites taken care of, and perhaps find him a home. He's too shy and wary, though. Occasionally I can give him one stroke on the head, and that is all. Every time I see Wraith I know it may be the last time. We have coyotes in this area, and I'm afraid that sooner or later, one will get Wraith. It's so sad. He could have been someone's beloved pet. -Kay in Oregon
Aww, poor Wraith. It's so nice of you to look after him. He looks like a nice kitty.
Oh, I do so hope Wraith gets over his shyness and allows himself to be adopted. He'd really like being a house kitty!
Hello Wraith. I am here to tell you it's okay to be dopted.
It is very nice to meet you.
Awww, Wraith is very handsome. I hope he is able to find a safe forever home very soon.
........keep putting the dish closer to the house....and put some chix or salmon down....
Oh I sure hope wraith finds a forever home.
we is purrayin that wraith will change his mind and want to become adopted. we dont want him to become coyote food. :(
yuki & kimiko & kintaro
wraith is a handsome boy. sure hope he overcomes his shyness. you have done so much to help him and his siblings. i know you won't give up on wraith. hopefully soon he will come close enough to get caught.
Wraith - sweetie, let her touch you! it's way better being adopted! Trust me!
awww Kay, you are such a wonderful purrson! bless you for all you do. please don't give up on gorgeous Wraith yet. i like Rosie's idea of moving the food closer and closer...i used a similar approach years ago to help a kitty and he got adopted by a great guy! he too was shy and survived outside for about a year, but once i caught him and he went to his new home,he became a loving lap kitty indoors only!
i love how you described his coloring and how you named him too. he is so handsome! :)
FISH FAKES WORKS lol and a trap he is beautiful and i just want to sques him
Oh Wraith, please come here so we can pet you! What a cutie! We have an Award for you Kat. Come on over and pick it up!
Your FL furiends,
Wraith! We were both rescued and went to our forever home. It's a wonderful thing to happen to a kitty. Let Kay pick you up and find you your forever home too!!
How about using a humane trap to catch him and then get him neutered? Then it will be easier to find a forever home for him.
It's great to meet you Wraith. You are just too cute. We hope that you were able to find a wonderful forever home. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of the day.
World of Animals
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