This is Opie, one of Princess's babies. The first photo is when they were a month old. He is almost a year old now, and he is HUGE! I often wonder what their Dad looked like. Opie has medium/long fur, and looks just like
Princess, except his face is only half orange. He even has the thumbs like her. When they were first born, it looked like they would all have the thumbs, but they don't. They all have the sweetest purrsonalities and make me laugh and smile everyday with their silly antics. Of course, they love to play and get into mischief. I love it when they carry toys around in their mouths. They are always looking for trouble, and when one gets into something, they all join in for 4x the mess! They like to rip up papers and steal things off my desk, or sometimes they take the straw right out of my iced coffee and run off. My house is very kitten proof, but they always manage to find something to get into. But that's okay, they are so worth it. ~Jessica >^..^<
*Bari has two new foster kitties who need furrever homes! Please visit Cathappy and help spread the word for these sweet fuzzbabies! Cosmo & Tortie are still in need of homes too!*
~Check out Friday Friends at Emma's~
Another one of my beautiful grandkitties. He is very handsome and big. Worth the trouble.
He has grown into a very handsome boy from that adorable kitten.
He's a BIG boy!!! I love him. I would love to see them stealing stuff. They sound like lots of fun.
Good morning Fuzzies!
Hi efurryone!
Hi Opie. Aren't you a handsome boy. You sound like a lot of fun and a real joy. I know your Momma is furry proud of you.
He is handsome...so very cute! He looks like a creamsicle...and I mean that in a good way...
Good morning! Opie you are one handsome boy! And you do look just like your momma!
How's everyone doing this fine Friday morning!? TGIF!!
Good Morning Fuzz Family !!!!!!!
Opie, you are a very handsome, and snuggly looking boy. I'm sure you and your siblings keep your human mommy very busy and entertained.
I hope everyone is doing well. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
AHAHAHHAHAAHHA they sound just like my house he is Beautiful and lord he big boy now Squezzeeeeeeee him for me GOOD late morning to u all
Rose, I left you a late comment under Isis' post about the young Royals. Off to your site now to see the updates!
Click on my profile I have 2 new blogs!!!
Opie, you are very handsome young man. I love your hairy feer. So cute.
I'm doing a poll on my blog about the kind of dry cat food everydoby feeds their cats. Please come by and tell me what your babies like to eat.
Hi! Jess isn't on line right now to thank you for all your great comments. She has just moved to Virginia, so computer isn't set up yet. I want to thank-you for her. Imagine driving from Massachusetts to Virginia with 11 cats. She said they were all behaving very well when I talked to her. Thank God.
Gail - Wow! I now remember her mentioning the move. Glad they're behaving for her. I traveled from W. VA to VA (9 hr. drive) with nine kitties (3 adults and 6 kittens) and they were all behaved too! Tell her I hope she and the kitties settle in nicely and look forward to hearing from her then! And she's welcome! I'm glad she allowed me to share all her beautiful fuzz babies on my site!
OMGosh!! Everyone has got to go to Sweet Ariel's site!!! She's under my links! There is video she found and posted of the most adorable widdle itty bitty baby fuzz just learning to bath herownself!! It will definately make you go...AWWWWWWW!!
opie, wow are you a big bundle of love! so handsome and a thief to boot. love the sneaky ones. LOL
Do you think Rosie has been making fun of Cairo, cause she is physically challenged? Maybe calling her names and stuff? I understand your predicament in giving up Cairo for the sake of Rosie, but I wish it didn't have to be that way. She does sound like she needs to be an only child...I wish I knew someone who wanted a furbaby.
kathleen, i wonder if cairo would act so aggressive if another cat would stand up to her? could it be she senses rosie's fear? so sad it has come to this. i don't know anyone who doesn't already have pets of some sort. time to pray for a miracle.
Oh, Kathleen, we have to do something for you and Cairo. Cairo is SO born-to-be a lap cat, and so brautiful, but you're absolutely right...we need to research "pet therapy" groups, and canvas special ed school and nursing/convalescent homes...a TARGET audience, because in my heart, Cairo has a lot to teach peolle-children with handicaps or just to provide a sleeping puuring kitty heating pad to fall asleep with. What town in Ca. do you live in again? The weekend means leaving lots of messages, but I've done canvassing/email campaigns before...and, I'm probably going to be overruled by She Who Must be Afraid, but I think I can get her to accept sharing space..or rather, Emily can! I'm praying on this, and Cairo IS meant to be with another family, Rosie doesn't deserve tha kind of stress she's living under. We'll sort this out, or I'll die trying...my e-mail is emilyrose2005@optonline.net.
Opie, you sure grew into a handsome big boy. But you were so cute when you were a kitten. Sooo you and your kitty buddies like to get into trouble, bet that's fun for you, but what about Momma?? Oh I hear you, she can put up with it cause she loves you. O.K. sounds good to me.
I'm so sorry about Rosie and Cairo. No Rosie doesn't deserve the stress. Prayers going up in hopes to find a home for her cause Cairo is so pretty.
I have a solution! DO NOT JUST THROW CAIRO out the door. I BEG YOU!
Call me, reverse the charges
I have a home for Cairo
Cairo has had a horrible life that you are about to willingly end. Face it, Kathleen, you throw her out to "anywhere" you may as well feed antifreeze to Cairo yourself.
I am trying to help you make THE CORRECT DECISION for EVERY ONE AND EVERY CREATURE involved here!
.....girls!!!!BEHAVE!!!...this is getting out of hand.......HYAK....calmdown...and Rose, I'm ringing you later....schnoort...............
I will not respond to you, Kathleen, because:
1). It's pointless
2). My dearest friend Rosie has advised me not to.
That is, respond YET.
p.s. how do you know about the past life of Cairo, antway?
....ROSE!!!...you are way too hostile and this is not a positive way forward...everyone take a deep breath and calm down...remain alert and pro-active and we will ALL find a home for CAIRO...I will try and help from across the pond...meanwhile, please keep Cairo and little Rosie seperated....
Rosie, you are my dearest friend. I will try to calm down, because we are friends. All of you, my FuZZ Family, are my friends! And you know just about all there is to know, and continue to support and encourage me. I can't wait to met you all at our Get Together in '08!
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